公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会


[ml_002] VASSCAA-9 Call for Abstracts Deadline May 4th 2018


速報発信者;福谷 克之(東京大学生産技術研究所,日本表面真空学会国際事業委員



The 9th Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australia


              4 Days remaining - Call for abstract


Abstract submission closing Friday May 4th 2018 11:59 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time


SMC Centre, Sydney, August 13-16 2018


We invite you to participate in the 9th Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australia. This is the first time this conference series has been held in Australia as well as the very first time any International Union of Vacuum Science, Technique and Application (IUVSTA) conference has been held in Australia.


Topics are based on the nine scientific divisions of the Vacuum Society of Australia's scientific divisions which mimic IUVSTA’s divisions. These are:


* Applied Surface Science

* Electronic Materials & Processing

* Plasma Science & Technique

* Surface Science

* Biointerfaces

* Nanometer Structures

* Surface Engineering

* Thin Film

* Vacuum Science & Technology


In addition to these topics the following cross-cutting sessions are


* Accelerator and Radiation Sciences and Technology

* Magnetic surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures

* Catalytic materials and processes

* Renewable Energy Technologies


Focus will be given and highlighted in those areas that overlap with the strategic research priorities set by the Australian government which currently are:


* Environment

* Health and wellbeing

* Food and water resources

* Security

* Productivity and growth



This biennial conference aims to bring together industry, education, development and research in vacuum science and technology within the Asian, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. It is a conference of the vacuum societies of Australia, China, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Pakistan,and Taiwan.

VASSCAA-9 is one of the main conferences supported by the International Union of Vacuum Science, Techniques and Application (IUVSTA).


The conference, which will run through National Science Week and the Sydney Science Festival, will introduce to the general public this enabling technology  through a series of high-profile public events highlighting its importance to everyday life and future technologies and to the  exciting science that drives its development.  The first event is scheduled for Sunday the 12th of August at 2pm at the Powerhouse Museum and precedes the welcome ceremony at the SMC at 5 pm.


The Vacuum Society of Australia and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation are excited to host this significant vacuum and surface science conference of Asia and Australia and are very much looking forward to your participation.


Best wishes from the Chairs of VASSCAA-9


Dr Anton P.J. Stampfl

President VSA



Dr Anton Tadich

Vice-President VSA




Copyright (c) 2018 , All rights reserved.



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