公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会


[ml_377] 「Virtual Vacuum Congress 2021」のご案内


速報発信者;谷本育律(KEK, IUVSTA Councilor)

Vacuum Society of Australiaより,真空と表面科学に関するオンライン国際会議「Virtual Vacuum Congress 2021」への参加登録依頼がありまし
た。Asia-Pacific region and Americasからの参加を期待しているとのことです。

会議名: Virtual Vacuum Congress 2021 (VVC21)
主催: Vacuum Society of Australia
日程: 2021年8月16日(月) - 18日(水)
要旨締切: 2021年6月30日(水)

The aim of VVC21 is to bring together all those using vacuum technology, be it whether one uses mechanical, molecular-based, or
cryo-based pumping and vacuum systems.  This year’s event will be the very first, fully online immersive Congress, and will allow
for meaningful and productive ways in which students and early career scientists will have the chance to participate, whilst
learning from established research scientists across the specialised fields. We will discuss current trends and developments in the
technology and the application and science performed using this technology.

The Virtual Vacuum Congress 2021 Organising Committee invites the submission of abstracts of original work for consideration as an
oral or poster presentation in the Congress Program. Submissions can be submitted under the nine (9) scientific and technical
divisions of vacuum.

Applied Surface Science
Electronic Materials & Processing
Nanometer Structures
Plasma Science & Technique
Surface Engineering
Surface Science
Thin Film
Vacuum Science and Technology

日本表面真空学会 事務局
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